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CPC Central Committee issues three Intra-Party Regulations (full text attached)

Source: Xinhua 时间:2019-09-17 15:43 Number of readings:

     近日,中共中央印发了修订后的《十大正规网堵平台》(以下简称《十大正规网堵平台》)、《十大正规网堵平台》(以下简称《十大网堵平台》)和新制定的《十大正规网堵平台》(以下简称《十大正规网堵平台》),And give notice,All localities and departments are required to earnestly comply。

通知指出,2012年中共中央印发的《十大正规网堵平台》、《十大正规网堵平台》,对加强党内法规制度建设发挥了重要作用。In light of the new situation, tasks and requirements, the CPC Central Committee will revise them。



We must earnestly implement the Provisions on Record Review, insist that everything must be necessary, everything must be reviewed, and mistakes must be corrected, and safeguard the unity and authority of intra-Party regulations and Party policies。

要严格落实《十大正规网堵平台》,各级党组织和党员领导干部必须牢固树立严格执规理念,担负起执行党内法规的政治责任。All localities and departments shall promptly report to the Party Central Committee their important information and suggestions on implementation。

The full text of the three intra-Party regulations, including the Regulations, is as follows

Regulations for the formulation of intra-party regulations of the Communist Party of China

(Approved by the CPC Central Committee on May 26, 2012 and revised by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on August 30, 2019)

Chapter I General provisions

第一条 为了规范党内法规制定工作,提高党内法规质量,形成完善的党内法规体系,推进依规治党,根据《十大网堵平台》,制定本条例。

第二条 党内法规制定工作以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership,We must ensure that the Party manages itself with full and strict self-governance,坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,We will resolutely uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership。

第三条 党内法规是党的中央组织,中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关和省、自治区、直辖市党委制定的体现党的统一意志、规范党的领导和党的建设活动、依靠党的纪律保证实施的专门规章制度。

The Party Constitution is the most fundamental intra-party regulation, and it is the basis and basis for formulating other intra-party regulations。

Article 4 Intra-Party regulations shall be formulated to mainly provide for the following matters:

(1) The formation, composition, functions and duties of various Party organizations at various levels;

(2) the systems, mechanisms, standards, requirements, methods and methods for Party leadership and Party building;

(3) To supervise, assess, reward and punish, and guarantee the work and activities of Party organizations and Party members;

(4) Selection, education, administration and supervision of Party officials。

All matters relating to the functions and duties of the establishment of a Party organization, the duties and rights of Party members, Party disciplinary measures and organizational handling can only be stipulated by intra-Party regulations。

Article 5 The names of intra-party laws and regulations shall be the Party Constitution, standards, regulations, provisions, measures, rules and detailed rules。

党章对党的性质和宗旨、路线和纲领、指导思想和奋斗目标、组织原则和Organizational structure、党员义务权利以及党的纪律等作出根本规定。

The Code makes basic provisions on the political and organizational life of the whole Party and the conduct of all Party members。

The Regulations make comprehensive provisions on the important relations of the Party in a certain field or the important work in a certain field。

The provisions, measures, rules and detailed rules shall specify the requirements and procedures for the important work of the Party in a certain field。


Article 6 The general terms of use of intra-party regulations are expressed in the form and can be divided into parts, chapters, sections, articles, paragraphs, items and items according to the content needs。

Article 7 The formulation of intra-party regulations shall follow the following principles:

(1) Adhere to the correct political direction, strengthen the "four consciousness", firmly "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance";


2. Proceed from the needs of the development of the Party's cause and the reality of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party;

3) Adhere to the Party Constitution as the foundation and implement the Party's basic theory, line, and strategy;

(4) Adhere to democratic centralism, fully promote intra-Party democracy, and safeguard the centralization and unity of the Party;

5) Adhere to the principle that the Party must operate within the scope of the Constitution and laws, and pay attention to the convergence and coordination of internal Party regulations with national laws;

(6) Adhere to convenience and prevent tedious duplication。

Article 8 The formulation of Intra-Party regulations is under the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee is responsible for the daily work。

The General Office of the CPC Central Committee undertakes the overall coordination, supervision and guidance of the formulation of intra-party regulations。

Chapter II Authority

Article 9. The Central Organization of the Party shall enact intra-Party regulations on the following matters:

(1) The nature and purpose, line and program, guiding ideology and goals of the Party;

(2) The basic system for the formation, composition, functions and duties of various Party organizations at all levels;

(3) The basic system concerning the duties and rights of Party members;

(4) The basic system for Party leadership and Party building in all areas;

(5) Matters concerning major issues involving the Party;

(6) The Party's basic system for disciplinary measures and organizational handling;

(7) Other matters that should be stipulated by the inner-Party regulations of the Central Committee。

All matters involving the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee can only be regulated by the inner-Party regulations of the Central Committee。

Article 10 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the working organs of the Party Central Committee shall formulate intra-Party regulations on matters within the scope of their functions and powers:

(1) To make supporting provisions for the implementation of the inner-Party Regulations of the Central Committee;

(2) Perform duties related to the work of the Party as stipulated in the Party Constitution and the regulations within the Party of the Central Committee。

If it is really necessary, the Party committees of the relevant central state organs and departments may, with the approval of the Party Central Committee, formulate intra-party regulations on specific matters。

Article 11 Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate intra-party regulations on matters within their powers:

(1) To make supporting provisions for the implementation of the inner-Party Regulations of the Central Committee;

(2) Perform the relevant duties of leading the economic and social development of the region and taking charge of the Party building in the region as stipulated in the Party Constitution and the Central Party Regulations。

第十二条 根据党中央授权,就应当制定中央党内法规的有关事项,中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关和省、自治区、直辖市党委可以先行制定党内法规,待条件成熟时再制定中央党内法规。


Article 13 For matters within the purview of two or more ministries and commissions, the relevant ministries and commissions shall jointly formulate intra-party regulations or submit the matter to the Party Central Committee for the formulation of Intra-Party regulations。

Where the formulation of intra-party regulations involves matters within the scope of government functions and powers, they may be jointly formulated by Party and government organs。

Article 14 Where the upper Party regulations clearly require the formulation of supporting Party regulations, they shall be formulated in a timely manner;Where there is no requirement, it is generally no longer formulated。

The formulation of supporting intra-Party regulations shall not exceed the scope prescribed by the upper intra-Party regulations, and the provisions made shall be clear, specific, targeted and operable。Unless necessary, the content that has been clearly stipulated in the regulations of the upper party shall not be repeated。

Chapter III planning and planning

第十五条 制定党内法规应当统筹进行,科学编制党内法规制定工作五年规划和年度计划,突出重点、整体推进,构建内容科学、程序严密、配套完备、运行有效的党内法规体系。

第十六条 中央党内法规制定工作五年规划,由中央办公厅对中央纪律检查委员会以及中央各部门和省、自治区、直辖市党委提出的制定建议进行汇总,并广泛征求意见后拟订,经中央书记处办公会议讨论,报党中央审定。


第十七条 中央纪律检查委员会以及中央各部门和省、自治区、直辖市党委提出的中央党内法规制定建议,应当包括党内法规名称、制定必要性、报送时间、起草单位等。

第十八条 中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关和省、自治区、直辖市党委可以根据职权和实际需要,编制本系统、本地区党内法规制定工作规划和计划。

Article 19 The work plans for the formulation of Intra-Party regulations and their implementation may be adjusted according to actual conditions。

Chapter IV Drafting

第二十条 中央党内法规按其内容一般由中央纪律检查委员会以及中央有关部门等起草,综合性党内法规由中央办公厅协调中央纪律检查委员会以及中央有关部门等起草或者成立专门起草小组起草。Particularly important inner-Party regulations are drafted by the CPC Central Committee。


Intra-party regulations formulated by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the CPC Central Committee and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be drafted by them on their own。

Article 21 A draft intra-party regulation shall generally include the following:

(1) the name;

(2) The purpose and basis of the formulation;

(3) the scope of application;

(4) specific norms;

(5) interpretation organs;

(6) the date of implementation。

第二十二条 起草党内法规,应当深入调查研究,全面掌握实际情况,认真总结历史经验和新的实践经验,充分了解各级党组织和广大党员的意见和建议。When necessary, the investigation and research may involve the legal advisers of the Party committee and its working organs and relevant experts and scholars, or entrust specialized agencies to carry out the investigation。

Article 23 Departments and units drafting intra-Party regulations shall reach consensus with the departments and units concerned on matters involving the scope of work of other departments and units。If no consensus can be reached after consultation, the relevant situation shall be explained when submitting the draft intra-party regulations。

Article 24 The drafting of intra-party regulations shall be consistent with existing intra-Party regulations。对同一事项,如果需要作出与现行党内法规不一致的规定,应当在草案中作出废止或者如何适用现行党内法规的规定,并在报送草案时说明情况和理由。

Article 25 After the draft intra-party regulations are formed, opinions shall be widely solicited。The scope of soliciting opinions shall be determined according to the specific contents of the draft intra-party regulations, and when necessary, the whole Party shall solicit opinions。When soliciting opinions, attention should be paid to the opinions of Party Congress deputies, grass-roots Party members, cadres, and relevant experts and scholars。The draft intra-party regulations that are closely related to the vital interests of the masses shall be fully open to the opinions of the masses。

Soliciting opinions may be in written form, or in the form of symposium, demonstration meeting, online consultation, etc。

Article 26 When submitting a draft intra-party regulation to the organ for examination and approval, the drafting department or unit shall simultaneously submit an explanation for the formulation of the draft。The formulation explanation shall include the necessity of formulating intra-party regulations, the main contents, the information on soliciting opinions, and the information on consultations with relevant departments and units。

Chapter V Examination, approval and publication

Article 27 After receiving a draft regulation within the Party, the deliberative and approval organ shall submit it to its subordinate regulatory work body for preliminary examination and approval。The pre-audit mainly reviews the following contents:

(a) whether it meets the political requirements of enhancing the "four consciousness", strengthening the "four self-confidence", and achieving the "two maintenance";

(2) whether it contravenes the Party Constitution, its theories, lines, principles and policies;

(3) whether it is inconsistent with the Constitution and laws;

(4) whether it is inconsistent with the regulations and normative documents of the previous party;

(5) whether it conflicts with other provisions of the same party regulations and normative documents on the same matter;

(6) whether it has consulted with relevant departments and units on major issues involved;

(7) whether there is a problem of seeking departmental interests and local protection;

(8) Whether it meets the requirements of formulating authority, procedures and normative expression。

With regard to the problematic draft rules and regulations within the Party, the working body for rules and regulations may, upon approval, propose amendments to the drafting departments and units。If the drafting department or unit does not adopt the amendment opinion, the regulatory work body may put forward a proposal for amendment, delay or return to the examination and approval organ。

Article 28 The examination and approval of draft intra-Party regulations of the Central Committee shall be carried out in the following ways:

(1) The draft guidelines are generally considered and approved by the plenary session of the Central Committee;

(2) A bill is generally examined and approved by a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee;

(3) The draft provisions, measures, rules and detailed rules shall generally be examined and approved at meetings of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee;

(4) The draft regulations, measures, rules and detailed rules with a single scope of adjustment or complementary provisions may be passed on and approved by the General Office of the Central Committee to the Party Central Committee for examination and approval。

Draft intra-party regulations formulated by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the working organs of the CPC Central Committee shall be reviewed and approved at meetings of their leading bodies。

The draft intra-party regulations formulated by the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be examined and approved by the plenary meetings of the Party committees or meetings of the Standing Committees。

Article 29 The draft intra-party regulations that have been examined and approved shall be examined by the regulatory bodies and submitted for approval in accordance with the procedures before being issued。

Central Party regulations are issued in the form of central party documents。Intra-party regulations formulated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection are issued in the form of documents of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection。Inner-party regulations formulated by the working organs of the CPC Central Committee shall be issued in the form of documents of the working organs of the CPC Central Committee。Intra-party regulations formulated by the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be issued in the form of Party committee documents or general office documents of the Party committees。At the time of promulgation, the title of an intra-party regulation shall add a note indicating the enacting organ, the date of adoption and the date of promulgation。


Article 30 Inner-Party regulations that are urgently needed for practical work but are not mature enough may be tried out first。The trial period is generally not more than 5 years。

Chapter VI Safeguards

Article 31 Intra-Party regulations shall be formulated in strict accordance with the requirements of the effective rank:

(1) The Party Constitution has the highest effect among intra-Party regulations, and no other intra-Party regulations may contravene the Party Constitution;

(2) Inner-Party regulations of the CPC Central Committee are more effective than those formulated by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the CPC Central Committee, and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government,中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关和省、自治区、直辖市党委制定党内法规不得同中央党内法规和规范性文件相抵触;


第三十二条 中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关和省、自治区、直辖市党委制定的党内法规有下列情形之一的,党中央予以责令改正或者撤销:

(1) It contravenes the Party Constitution, its theory, line, principles and policies;

(2) It contravenes the Constitution, laws and administrative regulations;

(3) conflict with the regulations and normative documents of the Party above;

(4) Other circumstances that should be ordered to be corrected or revoked。

Where intra-party regulations formulated by different ministries and commissions have conflicting provisions on the same matter, they shall be submitted to the Party Central Committee for handling。

第三十三条 同一制定机关制定的党内法规,一般规定与特别规定不一致的,适用特别规定;旧的规定与新的规定不一致的,适用新的规定。

Article 34 Where an intra-Party regulation needs to further clarify the specific meaning or application of the provisions, it shall be interpreted。中央党内法规由党中央或者授权有关部委解释,中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关和省、自治区、直辖市党委制定的党内法规由制定机关解释。

The interpretation of intra-party regulations shall have the same effect as the intra-party regulations。

第三十五条 中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关和省、自治区、直辖市党委制定的党内法规应当自发布之日起30日内报党中央备案。The General Office of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the specific examination work in accordance with relevant provisions。

第三十六条 坚持制定和实施一体推进,健全党内法规执行责任制,加大党内法规宣传、教育、培训力度,对党内法规执行情况、实施效果开展评估,加强监督执纪问责,确保党内法规得到有效实施。

第三十七条 制定机关应当组织开展党内法规清理工作,及时开展集中清理,根据需要开展特定内容或者特定范围的专项清理,在制定工作中同步开展即时清理。In accordance with the situation of cleaning up, it shall make decisions on amendment, annulment, declaration of invalidity, etc。

Article 38 The enacting organs shall promptly revise inner-party regulations that lag behind the development of practice。Amendments, amendments or amendment decisions may be adopted as appropriate, and centralized amendments may be made to related intra-party regulations。After the revision, a new text of the intra-party regulations shall be issued。

Article 39 Matters concerning the compilation, compilation and publication of intra-Party regulations shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions by the regulatory bodies under which the enacting organs work。

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 40 These Regulations shall apply to amendments to Intra-Party regulations。

Amendments to the Party Constitution shall be governed by the provisions of the Party Constitution。

Article 41 The rules and regulations formulated within the Armed Forces shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with these Regulations。

Article 42 The General Office of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations。

Article 43 These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation。

Provisions on the filing and review of regulations and normative documents within the Communist Party of China

(2012年6月4日中共中央批准 2012年6月4日中共中央办公厅发布 2019年8月30日中共中央政治局会议修订)

Chapter I General provisions

第一条 为了规范党内法规和规范性文件备案审查工作,维护党内法规和党的政策的统一性、权威性,根据《十大正规网堵平台》,制定本规定。

Article 2 These Provisions shall apply to the filing and examination of intra-Party regulations and normative documents formulated by Party organizations。

The term "normative documents" as used in these Provisions refers to documents that are universally binding and can be applied repeatedly within a certain period of time and are formed in the course of the performance of functions by Party organizations。

The following documents are not included in the scope of filing review:

(A) to distribute the leader's speech, annual work points, work summary and other content of the document;

(2) Documents on personnel adjustment, commendation and reward, punishment and internal daily management of the organ

(3) Requests for instructions, reports, notices of meeting activities, minutes of meetings, briefings and other documents;

(4) Other documents that do not need to be filed for examination in accordance with regulations。

Article 3 The following principles shall be followed in the archival examination:

(A) there is a necessary, where the scope of the record review should be reported in a timely manner, may not conceal, fail to report, late report;

(2) The preparation must be reviewed, the reported internal party regulations and normative documents should be timely and strict review, shall not be prepared without review;

(3) Errors must be corrected, and problems found in the examination shall be dealt with in accordance with regulations, and no discounts or adaptations shall be allowed。

第四条 各级党委,党的纪律检查委员会、党委(决策)议事协调机构以及党的工作机关、党委直属事业单位,党组(党委)承担备案审查工作主体责任。

The general office (office) of the Party Committee at all levels is responsible for taking the lead in handling the record review work of the Party committee at the same level, coordinating, supervising and guiding the record review work in the region。Relevant departments and units shall, within the scope of their duties, actively assist in carrying out the work of filing and reviewing, and jointly play a gatekeeping role in reviewing。

Party committees at all levels shall establish and improve a linkage mechanism for filing and reviewing records with the standing committees of people's congresses and governments at the same level。

Chapter II Main Body

Article 5 Intra-Party regulations and normative documents formulated by the Party organization shall be reported to the Party organization at a higher level。

Intra-party regulations and normative documents jointly formulated by multiple Party organizations shall be reported by the leading Party organization to the common higher party organization。


第六条 中央纪律检查委员会、党中央(决策)议事协调机构以及党中央工作机关、党中央直属事业单位,党中央批准设立的党组(党委),各省、自治区、直辖市党委应当向党中央报备党内法规和规范性文件。

The scope of Party organizations to submit normative documents to the local Party committee shall refer to the provisions of the preceding paragraph。

第七条 中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关、有关中央国家机关部门党组(党委)可以根据工作需要,依照本规定精神建立系统内备案制度。


Primary-level Party organizations shall gradually submit normative documents to the Party organizations that approve their establishment。

Chapter III Report

Article 8 Intra-Party regulations and normative documents that should be submitted shall be submitted by the policy-making organ within 30 days from the date of promulgation。

If the applicant fails to do so within the prescribed time limit, the examining authority shall order the applicant to make a supplementary report within a time limit and may notify the applicant when necessary。

Article 9 To report inner-Party regulations and normative documents, a record report, official text and record explanation shall be submitted, bound in a book, and submitted in electronic text。

The record description shall indicate the background of the formulation, policy innovation and its basis, the source of important data indicators, soliciting opinions, reviewing and approving

Article 10 The reporting authority shall, before February 1 of each year, submit the catalogue of documents for the previous year to the examining authority for reference。

Chapter IV Review

Article 11 The examination organ shall register the inner-party regulations and normative documents that meet the examination requirements and review them from the following aspects:

(1) Political review。包括是否认真贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,是否同党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略相一致,是否与党中央重大决策部署相符合,是否严守党的政治纪律和政治规矩等。

(2) Review of legal compliance。包括是否同宪法和法律相一致,是否同党章、上位党内法规和规范性文件相抵触,是否与同位党内法规和规范性文件对同一事项的规定相冲突,是否符合制定权限和程序,是否落实精简文件、改进文风要求等。

(3) Reasonableness review。Including whether to adapt to the needs of the development of the situation, whether it is likely to cause a major negative impact on society, whether it violates the principle of fairness and justice。

(4) Normative review。Including whether the name is used appropriately, whether the style format is correct, and whether the expression is standardized。

In the course of examination, the examination organs shall pay attention to protecting the enthusiasm of relevant regions and departments for reform and innovation in light of actual conditions。

第十二条 对内容复杂敏感、专业性强、涉及面广的党内法规和规范性文件,审查机关可以征求有关方面意见建议或者进行会商调研。

人大常委会、政府、军队备案审查工作机构发现党内法规和规范性文件可能存在违法违规问题的,可以向同级党委备案审查工作机构提出审查建议。The Party committee at the same level shall study and deal with the record review work, and feedback the results in an appropriate manner。

Article 13 With regard to the problems found in the examination or the opinions and suggestions of relevant parties, the examination organ may request the reporting organ to make explanations。

The reporting authority shall, within the prescribed time limit, state the reasons and basis for the relevant matters, and may propose measures to deal with them。

Chapter V Treatment

Article 14 The examination organ shall, in accordance with different circumstances, make corresponding decisions on the internal Party regulations and normative documents submitted, and urge the reporting organ to handle them in a timely manner。The reporting authority shall earnestly implement the handling decision of the examining authority。

Article 15 For the intra-party regulations and normative documents that are not found in the examination, the examination organ shall directly put them on record and pass them, and promptly report them to the organ。

If the examination organ finds that there are problems with the intra-Party regulations and normative documents that have been filed and adopted, it can restart the examination procedure。

第十六条 党内法规和规范性文件没有原则性问题,但存在下列情形之一,审查机关可以予以备案通过,并向报备机关提出建议:

(1) The relevant provisions are basically legal and compliant, but it is necessary to grasp the yardstick in implementation;

(2) after the implementation of the relevant provisions, the spirit of the superior has changed or new reform measures are about to be introduced, which needs to be understood by the reporting authority;

(3) the opinions and suggestions put forward by the relevant parties have high reference value;

(4) Other circumstances requiring recommendations。

第十七条 党内法规和规范性文件没有原则性问题,但存在名称使用、体例格式、文字表述等不规范情形的,审查机关可以予以备案通过,并将相关情况告知报备机关。

Where the reporting organ has repeatedly encountered irregularities, the examining organ may, according to the circumstances, make a notification。

第十八条 党内法规和规范性文件没有原则性问题,但存在下列情形之一,审查机关可以予以备案通过,并对报备机关进行书面提醒:

(1) The relevant political expressions are not standardized enough;

(2) where there may be deviations or misunderstandings in the implementation of relevant provisions;

(3) the relevant provisions are not reasonable enough;

(4) the formulation procedures are not standardized;

(5) failing to meet the requirements for streamlining documents and improving the style of writing;

(6) Other situations that need reminding。

The reporting authority shall take the initiative to rectify the situation after receiving a written reminder, and notify the relevant parties in a timely manner to prevent adverse effects of relevant problems。Where the examining authority requires a report on the handling of the situation, the reporting authority shall report within 30 days after receiving the written reminder。

Article 19 Intra-Party regulations and normative documents exist in any of the following circumstances, the examination organ shall not be filed for adoption, and require the reporting organ to correct:

(1) violating the Party Constitution, theory, line, principles and policies of the Party;

(2) violating the Constitution and laws;

(3) In conflict with the regulations and normative documents of the Party above;

(4) obviously unreasonable;

(5) It does not conform to the prescribed authority;

(6) Other circumstances that need to be corrected。

For the problems found in the examination, the examination organ may send a letter requesting the reporting organ to correct them, or the reporting organ may take the initiative to correct them。Correction may be made by modifying the original document or issuing supplementary documents。


If the corrected intra-party regulations and normative documents meet the requirements, the examination organ shall put them on record and pass them according to the procedure。报备机关未在规定时限内纠正问题或者报告有关纠正措施,且无正当理由的,审查机关可以作出撤销相关党内法规和规范性文件的决定。

Article 20 The examination organ shall, in making a decision on the examination and handling of inner-Party regulations and normative documents submitted, examine and approve them in accordance with the prescribed limits of authority and procedures。

Article 21 The examination organ shall generally complete the examination and handling of the intra-party regulations and normative documents that have not been found to be problematic within 30 days。Where problems are found, the review processing time can be extended appropriately, but generally not more than 3 months。

The relevant materials for archiving and examination shall be filed for future reference in a timely manner。

Article 22 The examination organs shall promptly sort out and summarize the problems found in the examination, strengthen the comprehensive analysis and utilization, and promote the improvement of the system and the improvement of the work。

Chapter VI Safeguard and supervision

第二十三条 加强备案审查工作信息化建设,建立健全覆盖全面、互联互通、功能完备、操作便捷的备案专网,提高备案审查工作信息化水平。

Article 24 Party organizations shall strengthen the supervision and inspection, assessment and evaluation, commendation and reward of the record review work, and the relevant results shall be notified within a certain range。

25th party regulations and normative documents filing review responsibility system。Under any of the following circumstances, the relevant Party organizations, Party members' leading cadres and staff shall be investigated for their responsibilities in accordance with regulations and discipline:

(1) failing to fulfill political responsibilities, paying no attention to the work of filing and examination, and failing to organize and lead effectively, resulting in serious consequences;


(3) In violation of the examination procedures and time limit requirements, the examination is not standardized or timely, or there are obvious errors, resulting in serious consequences;

(4) Other circumstances under which responsibility should be investigated。

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 26 The Central Military Commission may, in accordance with these Provisions, formulate measures for the filing and examination of intra-Party regulations and normative documents in the armed forces。

Article 27 The General Office of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these provisions。

Article 28 These Provisions shall come into force as of July 1, 2012。

Provisions on the Responsibility System for the Implementation of Intra-Party Regulations of the Communist Party of China (Trial)

(Deliberated and approved at the Meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on August 30, 2019, promulgated by the CPC Central Committee on September 3, 2019)

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on the Formulation of Intra-Party Regulations of the Communist Party of China in order to improve the enforcement of Intra-Party Regulations and promote the comprehensive and in-depth implementation of Intra-Party Regulations。

Article 2 Party organizations at all levels and all Party members have the obligation to abide by intra-Party regulations and safeguard their authority。各级党组织和党员领导干部必须增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,牢固树立执规是本职、执规不力是失职的理念,切实担负起执行党内法规的政治责任。

第三条 在党中央集中统一领导下,建立健全党委统一领导、党委办公厅(室)统筹协调、主管部门牵头负责、相关单位协助配合、党的纪律检查机关严格监督的执规责任制,统分结合、各司其职,一级抓一级、层层抓落实。

Article 4 Local Party committees at all levels shall bear the main responsibility for the implementation of intra-party regulations in their respective regions,We should resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the decisions of higher Party organizations,Take the lead in strictly enforcing intra-party regulations,To lead, organize and promote the implementation of intra-party regulations in the region,To support and supervise local Party organizations and leading cadres to fulfill their regulatory enforcement responsibilities。

Article 5 The General office (office) of the Party Committee shall be responsible for coordinating the implementation of intra-Party regulations in the region and promoting the implementation of the Party Committee's arrangements for the implementation of intra-Party regulations。

第六条 党委职能部门、办事机构、派出机关、直属事业单位等,对主要规定其职权职责的党内法规,负有牵头执行的责任,并组织、协调、督促、指导有关党组织和党员领导干部执行有关党内法规。

Other relevant units shall perform their respective duties and responsibilities in accordance with the regulations within the Party, and assist and cooperate with the leading department in jointly implementing the regulations within the Party。

第七条 党组(党委)对本单位(本系统)执行有关党内法规负主体责任,领导、组织、推进本单位(本系统)党内法规执行工作。

第八条 街道、乡镇党的基层委员会和村、社区党组织,国有企业党委,实行党委领导下的行政领导人负责制的事业单位党组织,对本地区本单位执行有关党内法规负主体责任,领导、组织、推进本地区本单位党内法规执行工作。

Primary-level Party organizations in other units promote the implementation of relevant intra-Party regulations in their own units in accordance with relevant regulations。

Article 9 Party members and leading cadres shall have the courage to take responsibility and be responsible, and take the lead in studying and propagating intra-Party regulations and strictly implementing intra-Party regulations under the above rates and by example。


第十条 党的纪律检查机关应当Take the lead in strictly enforcing intra-party regulations,并对其他党组织和党员领导干部履行执规责任进行监督检查,切实维护党章和其他党内法规。

Article 11 The implementation of intra-party regulations shall comply with the following basic requirements:

(1) to perform an act, fulfill one's duties, be compelled to perform one's duties, or perform one's duties in disorder;

(2) Strictly enforce regulations, order and prohibit, and do not discount or adapt;

(3) To enforce rules in a fair manner, adhere to the equality of everyone before party regulations, and do not engage in special or open back doors;

(4) Standardize the implementation of rules and regulations, and implement intra-Party regulations in accordance with the prescribed subjects, powers and procedures。

第十二条 党委(党组)每年至少召开1次会议专题研究党内法规执行工作,将党内法规纳入理论学习中心组学习和干部教育培训的重要内容。

The leading enforcement department should take the publicity and education of intra-party regulations as an important aspect of fulfilling the responsibility of enforcing regulations, and increase the publicity and education of intra-Party regulations。

第十三条 各级党组织应当采取有效措施,增强党员干部的执规意识,提高执规能力,严格执规标准,规范执规程序,提升执规效果。

第十四条 上级党组织应当加强对下级党组织和党员领导干部履行执规责任情况的监督,对重要党内法规的执行情况进行督导检查,对发现的普遍性问题在一定范围内通报。Party organizations at all levels should attach importance to giving full play to the positive role of Party members, the masses and the news media in the implementation of supervision and implementation responsibilities, and promote the formation of joint efforts in the implementation of regulations。

党组织和党员领导干部履行执规责任情况,应当纳入领导班子和领导干部考核内容,可以与Party conduct and clean government建设责任制、Party building work、法治建设等考核相结合。

第十五条 党内法规制定机关可以视情对党内法规执行情况、实施效果开展评估,督促党组织和党员领导干部履行执规责任,推动党内法规实施。

Annual plans shall be formulated for the evaluation of the implementation of intra-party regulations。应当列入实施评估范围的党内法规主要包括:上位党内法规和规范性文件作出新规定、提出新要求的;相关法律法规作出新规定的;规范和调整事项发生较大变化的;执行过程中遇到较大困难、意见反映较多的;试行期满或者没有规定试行期但试行超过5年的。

根据工作需要,实施评估可以对1部党内法规或者其中的若干条款开展专项评估,也可以对相关联的若干部党内法规开展一揽子评估。An evaluation report shall be prepared after the completion of the implementation evaluation。

第十六条 党组织和党员领导干部有下列情形之一的,应当依规依纪追究责任,涉嫌违法犯罪的,按照有关法律规定处理:

(1) failure to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee on the implementation of intra-Party regulations and the relevant decisions of higher Party organizations;

(b) the performance of leadership, coordination, leadership, cooperation, supervision and other compliance responsibilities;

(3) implementing intra-Party regulations with discounts, adaptations or selective implementation;

(4) Major problems or serious consequences occur in the implementation of regulations by the local unit;

(5) Other circumstances under which responsibility should be investigated。

Article 17 The Central Military Commission may, in accordance with these Provisions, formulate provisions on the responsibility system for the implementation of intra-party regulations in the armed forces。

Article 18 The General Office of the Central Committee shall be responsible for the interpretation of these provisions。

Article 19 These provisions shall take effect as of October 1, 2019。